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Electronic push button lock with passage, one time user code , passage mode and key override

Ilco E-Plex 2030 push button lock

SKU: 36523641234523
  • No Wires: Requires no wiring to and/or through the door

    Locking Device Options:

    • Cylindrical: Cylindrical latch with 3-hour UL/ULC fire rating
    • Rim Exit Device: Compatible with most leading brands of exit hardware
    • American Standard Mortise: With 1¼" (32 mm) face plate; with/without deadbolt

    Number of Codes: Multiple Users—100 Codes can be used

    Handing: Non-handed; pre-assembled for left-hand door installations, can be easily switched.

    Audit Trail: The most recent 1,000 events are recorded in memory, including use of mechanical key override.

    Programming: Lock is easily programmed via keypad without removing lock from the door

    Operation Modes:

    • PIN access
    • Passage—can be toggled on/off or can be pre-programmed to re-lock after a certain number of hours
    • Lockout - Can be set up to lock automatically once door is closed, this requires the code to be re-entered each time of entry.

    Authority Levels: Five different levels allow who has access to specific lock functions, including:

    Master Level — performs all set-up and programming functions
    Manager Level — administers common programming functions
    Access User Level — entry given with valid PIN 
    Service Level — codes for single event or single day access, programmable in advance - Generally used for guest visitors.
    Maintenance Level — no access is granted, information can be uploaded/downloaded to/from the lock

    User Parameters:

    • User Parameters: Code length—adjustable to accept 4 to 8 digits
    • Anti-tamper lockout—adjustable from 3 to 9 invalid attempts with an adjustable period of 0 to 90 seconds - All depends on preferance
    • Re-lock time—adjustable from 2 to 20 seconds - All depends on preferance.
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